At Sport Aviation Center you get a great value. Paul Hamilton has earned the highest possible ratings for Sport Pilot Airplane, the first Sport Pilot CFI and FAA examiner, authored books for training schools, operated a full-time successful flight school full time for over a decade and is a FAA Light-Sport Repairman for WSC trikes/airplanes. You get the greatest practical experience and value, making you a safer and more competent pilot.
Everything you want to know about pilot training time and cost is listed here for Sport Pilot, Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial, and CFI…LSA Airplane Rental, Instruction, Checkride & Proficiency Check Detailed Line-Item Fees
- Intro Flight with Flight Instructor and Aircraft LSA – $330 per session typically one hour flight one hour ground/questions/preflight *
(Counts as official flight training time with preflight and post flight briefing. Includes logbook. Optional video $150) - Flight Instruction Hobbs time with Sport Aviation Center LSA – $255 per hour wet *(includes $170 airplane per hour and $85 per hour flight instructor)
- Flight and Ground Time Instruction – $85 per hour **
(ground school and pre/post flight briefings, time spent with instructor that is not flight time) - Group ground instruction two or more people – $50 per hour per person
- Aircraft Rental Hobbs time- $170 per hour wet *
(General rental, student solo and Checkride/Proficiency Check. For overnight out of town rental a minimum of 3 hours per day) - Flight Simulation Instruction Time – $105 per hour
(includes $20 flight simulator and $85 flight instructor simulator time) - Flight instruction time in owners’ aircraft including ferrying or flight testing $155 per hour, owner buys fuel.
- Flight Simulation Solo Time – $20 per hour (after getting checked out)
- $900 Sport Pilot Practical Test/Checkride or Proficiency Check (owner supplies aircraft)
- $1100 Sport Pilot Flight Instructor (CFIS) Initial/Renewal Practical Test/Checkride or Proficiency Check (owner supplies aircraft)
- $270 Biennial Flight Review in pilot supplied aircraft (minimum time requirement 2 hours with no aircraft rental needed). Flight review may take longer than legal minimums.
- $370 Biennial Flight Review in rental aircraft (minimum time requirements with aircraft rental ). Flight review may take longer than legal minimums.
- Hanger rent for training or maintenance $20/day or $450 month
- Maintenance $110 per hour
- First/initial Annual/100 hour Condition Inspection document research and familiarization with aircraft $700. Service Bulletins applicable/accomplished and logbook documentation.
- Annual Condition Inspection/100 hour $1200. Inspection only. Any maintenance or parts (such as oil change/carb sync/spark plugs change/brake pad change/etc.) are additional maintenance/parts charges.
- Travel $1000 per day out of town plus expenses for flight instruction, checkrides, and/or maintenance. Travel time, any location $85./hour or $255/hour to fly to a location with Sling.
- $1000 pre-paid nonrefundable deposit for full time accelerated training.
* Includes aircraft, headsets, and fuel.
** Ground/flight time includes time from meeting applicant to when the applicant leaves.- Intro Flight with Flight Instructor and Aircraft LSA – $330 per session typically one hour flight one hour ground/questions/preflight *
How much does it cost to get a Sport Pilot License?
It can cost between about $5,000 and $22,000. Note this is half the private pilot costs. Why such a huge range? Everybody is different. This depends on several factors listed below. Let’s look at the variables first to understand the large variance in costs and time.
- Will you be learning in your own aircraft or renting one?
- Will you be doing a concentrated course where you are flying every day until you get your license, will you be doing the optimum schedule of flying one day on and one day off, or will you be dragging it out by only flying on weekends, every other weekend or once a month?
- Do you have good study habits, motivated to study on your own or will you need someone to teach you the material?
- How fast do you pick up the physical motor skills to control the aircraft?
- How long can you last in the airplane before you become mentally or physically fatigued? Some can only last less than 1 hour of flight, some more than 2 hours of flight.
- How old are you? It is a fact, the younger the faster. The older the slower. A common answer is it will take you 30 hours of flight time if you are 30 years old. It will take you 50 hours if you are 50 years old.
- How long does it take to feel comfortable going fast near the ground.
Industry averages for a sport pilot certificate is about 35 hours flight time. Private pilot is 70 hours flight time. So, if you do the simple numbers, average cost is $10,000 and there is a 50% chance of getting the average. Some more, some less. Most potential pilots feel they are above average. This is the nature of a pilot’s perspective on the world. Yes, you are above average for the total population, but the average for pilots is at a higher level than the general public, based on your nature. In other words, if you are reading this now, YOU are above average for the general population since you are thinking of pursuing aviation. Yes, this is a compliment…..
Want to get the sport pilot certificate/license as quickly and inexpensive as possible? Take the online course so you will have the aeronautical knowledge and have been through the flight lessons before you get into the airplane.
Overall, the time and costs to become sport pilot airplane are about half that of a private pilot. It must be understood that numbers presented here are realistic numbers, not something pared down to make it look inexpensive to get you hooked into coming to Sport Aviation Center. Most “learn to fly for $2000” are the minimum by law and do not include the FAA test fees or much in training materials or any ground time. The following is provided to give you a realistic view of absolute minimum cost and higher costs for comparison.
How long does it take to get a sport pilot license?
The range of flight hours varies greatly. We have had some get through with as little as 25 hours flight time. Others, 90 hours flight time. As discussed above, there are several factors. Let’s use the average of 35 hours of flight time which is the industry average. If we average 2 hours per day flight time this is 18 days, or more than two weeks and less than three weeks.
Actual time depends on many of factors as discussed above, but with a concentrated course and good weather, plan on 3 to 5 weeks to get it in one stay. Want an average, 4 weeks and a 50% chance of doing it in 4 weeks. I usually tell people to plan on 5 weeks.
What about a private pilot license?
The piloting stick and rudder skills are the same for Sport Pilot and Private Pilot. If anyone thinks that a Private Pilot is safer, or the stick and rudder skills are less, simply NOT TRUE.
Private Pilot is about twice as long and costs twice as much as a Sport Pilot because of night flying, control tower airport operations (can be added as a sport pilot if wanted), more instrument training, VOR navigation (outdated now with GPS navigation) and a longer cross-country training and solo flights.
Industry data of actual time to get a Sport Pilot Certificate is 35 hours and 70 hours for a private pilot certificate.
So, in the tables below flight and ground times simply double the Sport Pilot times and cost to get Private Pilot.
- 1. They have not flown a LSA and the schools do not have a light sport aircraft that can be used for sport pilot solo
- 2. They do not know anything about the sport pilot certificate so can not speak intelligently while CFI’s can not train for something they know nothing about.
- 3. CFI’s can make twice as much money on a private pilot rather than the sport pilot certificate since industry averages are twice as many hours.
Some do Sport Pilot first to achieve a full FAA Flight certificate, then move on to Private. Most of the Sport Pilot hours count towards Private pilot hours.
How much can be done "self study" before or during the actual classroom/hands on?
Significant aeronautical knowledge “ground school” plus practical stick and rudder “airmanship” theory can be accomplished through self-study. This saves considerable time and money. If you have the discipline, motivation and/or study skills, this can provide you up to 80% of the knowledge and flight theory required for a FAA sport pilot certificate.
Typically, you get the on-line student pilot training and follow the training course ground and flight lesson assignments. These are designed to provide the most efficient learning sequence. The more you study on your own, the faster and less expensive your training will be.
How many hours a day can we fly?
Most people who do the accelerated course want to do as much flying as possible per day, up to 8 hours is asked. We want to get you through the course as efficiently as possible. For flight training, we fly you as long as YOU are able.
When learning something new,there are so many unique inputs coming in you need to process and you can only absorb or take in so much information before you become physically or mentally exhausted.
After you reach your fatigue threshold, you start making mistakes, not improving, or simply mentally or physically exhausted. Most do not understand this until you hit that threshold which we both try and figure out. Some can last 1 hour per flight, others can last up to 3 hours per flight. We can do one or two flights per day depending on you.
Overall, we can get from 1 to 5 hours per day is the range. Typically it is less than you think but does increase as you progress and become more accumulated, less stressed, feel more relaxed and gain experience.
Sport Pilot License Accelerated Program
Accelerated training – When you come here from out of town, we know that every day matters for time and cost. We realize that you have planned your life around this time and we respect that. We will fly and/or do ground school with you every day we can to the greatest of our ability. We work every day including ALL holidays. So be assured if you come here we will respect your time away from home, your expenses and make every effort to make your time here as efficient as we possibly can. However, this does not mean we will solo you or do a checkride before you meet the standards, you run out of time or run out of money.
The steps for typical Sport Aviation Center Sport Pilot license accelerated program:
- You buy the on-line student pilot course and you do all the homework for flight and ground lessons by following the course syllabus. This allows you to progress quickly and efficiently through your flight training and ground school. If you are going to do this in one visit, you should pass your FAA written/computerized Knowledge Test before you get here. This “ground school” is included in the on-line student pilot course.
- You apply for the FAA student pilot certificate which takes 2 to 3 weeks to obtain so you have this before you start training. See Step 2 on this page to get student pilot certificate under the heading “Notes on how, when and why to apply a Student Pilot Certificate”.
- You reserve your valuable time slot for intensive training ($1000/week deposit required see cancelation policy below).
- You show up here in Reno/Tahoe/Carson for 2 to 5 weeks concentrated flight and ground training. We fly every day (including weekends and holidays) weather permitting until you are ready to solo. For staying here lodging/transportation see Where to Stay.
- You finish your training with another CFI who recommends you for the Checkride (practical test).
- You take your Practical Test/Checkride with Paul Hamilton DPE who issues you your sport pilot license.
NOTE: This accelerated process can be broken up into two or three 7 to 10 day visits.
Sport Pilot License Time and Cost Options Range
First and most importantly, you must realize that most schools provide you an unrealistic time and cost so you will go to them.
First, schools typically give you the time and cost based on the minimum legal 20 hours flight time. Reality check: industry average flight time for a sport pilot certificate is 35 hours. Yes you feel you are above average for the general population, but that “above average for general population”changes once you get into the “pilots” group. The skill/aptitude average shifts because anyone who wants to be a pilot typically will be above average for the general population.
So typically I tell people it will take longer and cost more than you think.
Trying to compare the typical “low cost sales” claims to the “actual reality costs” should be understood when shopping around.
If you take out additional costs, what most schools do not include such as training materials, renters’ insurance, ground school, FAA knowledge test and checkride costs, combined with the minimum training hours, this will total the $4000 to $5000 you see advertised by “low cost sales” advertisements.
However, we are going to include ALL these in our comparisons since this is part of the overall cost you will actually see in the following tables.
For costs, let’s start and look at the optimum situation using your own aircraft; with a concentrated course or optimum flying three days per week, you study everything to get through your three types of ground school, and you have great motor skills to have the minimum flight hours required for the license.
Airplane - Minimum Cost To Own An Aircraft

Airplane - Minimum Cost To Rent An Aircraft

Airplane - Low Time Rent Aircraft

Airplane - Industry Average Flight Time Renting Aircraft
Let’s look at the typical situation “average time” where you rent the airplane for dual and solo training; with a concentrated course or optimum flying three days per week, you study everything to get through your three types of ground school, and you have good motor skills to have the average range of flight 35 hours flight time for the license.
This is the industry average of flight hours to get a Sport Pilot license. Note if you rent the airplane you will need about $350 additional renters’ insurance for solo. Here is an example with the hours and costs (this is an example; use updated costs above if table below is out of date):

Airplane - Long Time Time Rent Aircraft

CFI Renewal or Reinstatement
It should be noted that this the regulations are commonly misunderstood. When the regulation reads “Sport Pilot Rating”, your typical Subpart H “private pilot” certificate is/includes the sport pilot rating. With an official legal interpretation from the FAA Airman Ceretification Standards to read as follows, “
—— Original Message ——
Received: 01:26 PM CDT, 10/07/2024
From: “Little, Tracey (FAA)”
Subject: RE: SP-SPIE checkride question
Hi Robert,
The information below was sent to us by Policy on a similar question. I hope this helps.
The inquiry concerns the reinstatement of a subpart H flight instructor certificate by the conduct of a practical test accomplished with a sport pilot examiner.
The FAA recognizes that pilots with a higher grade of pilot or flight instructor certificate can exercise the privileges of a lower grade of certificate.
With that understanding and then reviewing § 61.427 What must I do if my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating expires? and § 61.199 Reinstatement requirements of an expired flight instructor certificate, we have determined that an applicant can reinstate their Subpart H flight instructor certificate by accomplishing a practical test with a Sport Pilot DPE conducted in a light sport aircraft.
However, the flight instructor reinstatement practical test must be accomplished in the same category and class of aircraft, for the rating listed on the flight instructor’s expired certificate. Because this individual holds an expired flight instructor certificate (Subpart H) with an airplane single engine rating, he can elect to apply for reinstatement under the provision provided in § 61.427.
Have a great day.
Best regards,
Tracey Little, Program Analyst, Airmen Certification Branch
I went back and forth with Morrison on this so told him to go to the source. This also applies to many other references of “Sport Pilot”
CFI Renewal
Instead of doing a FIRC, or other options on 61.425 /61.197 which typically includes detailed instrument procedures, not applicable to Sport CFIS, you can take a checkride per 61.425/61.197 with no endorsement to keep your CFI up to date.
This is an option for all CFI’s. However, if you are typically flying high performance aircraft, a sport pilot checkride is exactly that, an entry level checkride with all the procedures, endorsements, and regulations which high time pilots may not be familiar with. Additionally, some high time pilots have trouble adapting to the Light Sport Aircraft.
CFI Reinstatement
As listed in the Renewal above, pilots whose CFI ran out are in the same boat.
Both CFI Renewal and Reinstatement
The sport pilot environment, along with Light Sport Aircraft, is a completely different list of procedures, endorsements, and regulations.
Most high time pilots believe this “entry level” environment requires no preparation since they pretty much “know everything with so many hours” and sport pilot will be much easier. The reality is that this may not the case.
There are three aspects of the Sport Subpart K, as well as the Subpart H checkride:
- Flight skills at a competency greater than the pilot
- Teaching entry level Sport Pilots and
- Instructional knowledge of aeronautical knowledge, procedures, endorsements, and regulations specific to sport pilots.
Some high time pilots click right into flying the airplane, others can not easily adapt to the modern glass panel, extra sensitive flight controls, lightness of the aircraft in bumps, being closer to the runway, and the list goes on. The number of excuses for some high time pilots transitioning to Light Sport Aircraft is amazing.
So to answer the questions everybody wants to know to prepare for the checkride:
- How much $
- How long
This depends on you. If you want numbers:
- 5 to 20 hours LSA flight time
- 5 to 20 hoyrs ground time
If you come to Sport Aviation Center to take a checkride, we highly suggest doing a mach checkride first to see where we are and than go from there.
If you wqant to prepare as best as you can before you get here, read, study, undersatand and prepare for the initial Sport Pilot Checkride to save ans much time and money when you get here: CFI initial
48 Hour Single Lesson Cancellation Policy
When you book a reservation, you are reserving a time slot specifically for you. Sport Aviation Center LLC arranges all other bookings around your reserved time slot.
If you will be unable to honor your reservation, you must call and talk with us to let us know at least 48 hours in advance so we can book someone else for this valuable time slot. If you call and talk to us before your flight within 48 hours to cancel your scheduled flight, we must bill you for 50% of your flight’s cost.
If you do not call to cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled flight and we are mobilized/scheduled waiting for you, and you do not show up, we must bill you for the full amount.
Your scheduled time slot is valuable and can be used by other customers so please call to cancel as soon as possible to avoid charges. We appreciate your understanding.
Accelerated Course Deposit and Cancellation Policy
We require $1000 deposit for each week of scheduled time for accelerated training to secure the aircraft and instructor. This $1000/week goes towards your flight and ground training time when you are doing your training.
When you book time for an accelerated course, we are reserving this valuable time slot (aircraft and instructor) specifically for you. Sport Aviation Center LLC arranges all other bookings around your reserved time slot. If you are unable to honor your reservation, you must call and talk with us at: 775.772.8232 (no e-mail or text) to let us know at least 1 week in advance so we can book someone else for this valuable time slot -and you can reschedule at that time.
If you cancel or reschedule within this 1-week period before your first scheduled time, the $1000/week deposit for the first week is nonrefundable. Your scheduled time slot is valuable and can be used by other customers, so please call to cancel or reschedule as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding.
All prices in USD.