All the specific logbook endorsements are listed below. Find the heading for the endorsement you need and see the corresponding endorsement.
If you want to learn about the procedure and the steps to take see: Downgrade or Transition to LSA
If you want to know the process for transitioning from Private Pilot to Sport Pilot see: Private to Sport.
If you want to know the process for adding an endorsement for Sport Pilot category, class, speed or airspace see: Add Category, Class, Speed & Airspace.
Note that the instructor or examiner entry at bottom of endorsement typically looks like:
TSA Requirements For Student Pilots Training For FAA Initial Private or Sport Pilot Certificate
- US government issued documents that establish identity with a picture ID with name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color and address such as a drivers license and
- Documents that establish US citizenship such as a US passport, US birth certificate, Social Security Card
Summary Of "Student Pilot" Solo Logbook Endorsements
Pre-solo aeronautical knowledge: § 61.87(b)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has satisfactorily completed the pre-solo knowledge exam of § 61.87(b) for the (make and model aircraft). J. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
Pre-solo flight training: § 61.87(c) and (d)airplane (m)WSC etc for category
Speed endorsement required per § 61.89 (c) (5)
(Required for most Airplanes since the Vh is over 87 knots. If Airplane is under 87 knots Vh, the less than endorsement is required. Either way Airplanes need this endorsement above or below Vh of 87 knots. Typically not required for WSC trikes and PPC under the 87 knots Vh)
Solo flight in Class B, C, and D airspace, § 61.94(a):
Supervised solo flight training: § 61.87(c, d or m)
After supervised solo flights, place in logbook endorsement for unsupervised solo:
(typically, endorsements are for 7 to 10 days. 90 days is the maximum allowed as shown below).
Solo flight (1st 90-day with flight training 90 days prior to flights): § 61.87(n)
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training to qualify for local solo flying at (local airport). I have determined he/she meets the applicable requirements of § 61.87(n) (2) and is proficient to make solo flights in (make and model) until (maximum 90 days from date given). pJ. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
Solo flight (each additional 90-day period): § 61.87(p):
Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 NM: § 61.93(b) (1):
Solo "Student Pilot" (Private or Sport Pilot) Cross-Country Endorsements
Logbook Endorsements:
Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 NM: § 61.93(b) (1):
Initial solo cross-country flight Training: § 61.93(c) (1)
Solo cross-country flight: § 61.93(c) (2)
Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 nm from point of departure, §61.93(b) (2):
Solo flight in Class B, C, and D airspace, § 61.94(a) (required each additional 90-day period):
Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B, C, or D airspace or on an airport having an operational control tower, § 61.94(a) and § 91.131(b)(1) (required each additional 90-day period):
"Certificated Pilot" (Not Student Pilot) Solo Logbook Endorsement
This is for a certificated pilot (not student pilot) who wants to solo in a different category or class of aircraft. Solo is not required for a certificated pilot to obtain a new category or class of aircraft per 61.321 (trained by one CFI and take a proficiency check by another CFI to obtain privileges to fly additional category or class of LSA at sport pilot level).
However, it must be clearly understood that if the pilot is a private pilot airplane as an example, he/she must be current as a pilot current per 61.56 to use this endorsement. This current pilot wants to solo new category or class with § 61.31 (d) (2) allows this option. For the certificated/current pilot in category/class to solo flight in a different category or class aircraft, place in the logbook:
Initial Sport Pilot Checkride Endorsements
Sport Pilot Knowledge test
Endorsement for sport pilot knowledge test in the logbook (Note: this is many times obtained on-line from one of the test prep on line training courses):
Written Sport Pilot General Knowledge test endorsement § 61.35(a) (1) and § 61.309:
Sport Pilot Knowledge test deficiencies reconciliation
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training and demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of deficient areas from the Sport Pilot knowledge test as required per § 61.39 (a) (6) (iii) for the practical test. J. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
(this should be in the logbook and not on the knowledge test itself)
Sport Pilot Practical Test (checkride) endorsements
Instructor verifies Knowledge test endorsement that missed questions have been reconciled (above) and can issue checkride prerequisites endorsement per 61.39:
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the prerequisites for the sport pilot practical test per § 61.39 (a) ( 6). J. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
(additionally this endorsement is required for sport pilots)
Instructor provides logbook endorsement for practical test per 61.309 & 61.311:
Instructor fills out Form 8710-11 properly for checkride (now typically IACRA) and endorses on the top/back.
Additional Endorsements recommended before checkride: Airspeed endorsement
Tail wheel endorsement
FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) provides logbook endorsement for passing the Sport Pilot Practical Test: § 61.309 and § 61.311 (Required by § 61.317 issued by a DPE)
Additional Sport Pilot Endorsements after checkride (or endorsements before checkride are applicable after checkride)
Class B, C, Or D Airspace, At An Airport Located In Class B, C, Or D Airspace, Or To, From, Through, Or On An Airport Having An Operational Control Tower: § 61.325
Light-Sport Aircraft That Has A Vh Greater Than 87 Knots CAS: § 61.327:
Light-Sport Airplane That Has A Vh Less Than 87 Knots CAS: § 61.327:
Existing Pilot Sport and/or Private Adding Additional Sport Pilot Category and/or Class Privileges with Proficiency Check per 61.321
Logbook endorsement for proficiency check CFI 1:
Endorsement for successful proficiency check CFI 2:
CFI 2 who performed proficiency check sings the 8910-11 form and sends it into FAA airman registration.
It should be noted that IACRA DOES NOT WORK for Proficiency checks. It must be done with paper 8710-11 form. Follow the specifics as specified in the FAA Proficiency Check 8710-11 Guidance or it will be sent back for correction.
Private pilots who are adding a Private Pilot Category DO NOT have to take an additional Knowledge test for adding additional Category per 61.63 (b) (4) and Class 61.63 (c) (4), such as airplane adding helicopter or WSC or PPC. Note also the details of training for adding category and/or class in 61.63.
Endorsement for private pilot knowledge test in logbook or get self-directed endorsement with Prepware or
Written Private Pilot Knowledge test endorsement § 61.35(a) (1) and § 61.105:
Private Pilot Knowledge test questions missed deficiencies reconciliation
Private Pilot endorsement to take the practical test:
FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) provides logbook entry for passing the Private Pilot Practical Test:
Sport Pilot Flight Instructor Applicant Initial
Endorsement to take FOI test from CFI:
Endorsement from CFI to take Flight Instructor Knowledge test:
I have determined that he/she is has had the required training per 61.405 (A) (2) prepared for the CFI sport (category and class) knowledge test. J. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
FOI knowledge test missed questions are reconciled
CFI knowledge test missed questions are reconciled
CFI spin training
Instructor provides endorsement for applicant to take practical test
in logbook and separate endorsement on form 8710-11 or 8710-1 (now typically IACRA):
I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has met the prerequisites of 61.39, received the required training of § 61.409 and met the aeronautical experience requirements of § 61.411. I have determined he/she is prepared for the CFI – sport pilot (aircraft category and class) Practical Test. J. J. Jones, 12-25-2004 J. J. Jones 610610CFI 12-06
Flight Instructor (sport or private) adding sport pilot LSA Category/Class
Note: existing and current private pilot airplane CFI do not need any endorsements to teach in airplane LSA.
Endorsement and recommendation for proficiency check: Note: for adding airplane or glider, spin training is required as a logbook entry by an instructor and not an endorsement to complete § 61.409 (m).
Logbook endorsement for proficiency check CFI1
Endorsement for successful proficiency check CFI2:
It should be noted that IACRA DOES NOT WORK for Proficiency checks. It must be done with paper 8710-11 form.
Follow the specifics as specified in the FAA Proficiency Check 8710-11 Guidance or it will be sent back for correction.