Aircraft Available for Training
Airplane LSA
Carson City Airport, KCXP
- The Aircraft Factory Sling 2 LSA N288SL
- The Aircraft Factory Sling 2 LSA N521NG
Reno-Lake Tahoe International Airport, KRNO (we fly from Carson CXP to Reno 30 minute round trip)
- The Aircraft Factory Sling 2 LSA N288SL
- The Aircraft factory Sling 2 LSA N521NG
Weight-Shift Control LSA Trike For Training
Carson City Airport, KCXP
- Evolution Revo 912iS 100 HP with Rival S 12.4 strutted wing N31PH
- Evolution Revo 912iS 100 HP with Rival S 12.4 strutted wing N976BG
Reno-Lake Tahoe International Airport, KRNO (we fly from Carson CXP to Reno 30 minute round trip)
- Evolution Revo 912iS 100 HP with Rival S 12.4 strutted wing N31PH
- Evolution Revo 912S 100 HP with Rival S 12.4 strutted wing N976BG
Aircraft Available For Rent to Meet Solo Requirements
Airplane LSA
The Airplane Factory “Sling” is our new featured/preferred Light-Sport Aircraft. We now have two of these aircraft. I have personally flown and chosen it because it has all the best of the best attributes for LSA. Best handling, Rotax 912iS fuel injected engine, low wing so you can see where you are going, modern glass digital panels, slide back canopy and many more enhancements. This can be purchased as a certified commercial aircraft or a kit built aircraft. Now my favorite LSA airplane.

The Aircraft Factory Sling Instrument panel. We have thew dual iEFIS glass panels in both Slings N288SL and N521NG

Sling seating, baggage, panel with custom leather seats. We can fit a 6 foot 6 inch tall person comfortably in the Sling

Airplanes available for training available for rental for solo flights at $155 per hour with fuel.
For Solo rental, the student/or pilot must obtain aircraft “renter’s insurance” which is typically required for most rental aircraft to fly solo and rent aircraft as a pilot after a sport or private pilot license is issued, or for any pilot flying the aircraft. The insurance is usually good for a year and is applicable to student solo, sport and private pilot use. Popular renter’s insurance is available from these sources:
We require limits of liability for bodily injury/property damage $250,000 each occurrence/$2500 per passenger and mandatory $20,000 hull damage to non-owned aircraft for the first $20,000 of any accident, for loss of use and aircraft repair. After $20,000 the airplane insurance kicks in for any further damage/repair.
Weight-Shift Control LSA Trike
We do not have a WSC trike available for rental to solo in.
If you are already a FAA pilot and are transitioning to WSC trike, you do not need to solo.
If you do not have a FAA license and starting from scratch, you will need to buy a WSC trike to solo in
You can purchase an S-LSA trike to be trained in and solo in, or can buy an E-LSA and be trained in it, as well as solo in it. If you did not buy a trike to be trained in, then when you are ready to solo is typically the time to buy a trike. After your initial training, you are educated enough to be an informed buyer to buy the trike that is best for you.