How to Acquire Sport Pilot Certified Flight Instructor (CFIS) Privileges

Existing CFI

These are the steps to take if you are an existing Sport Pilot Certified Flight Instructor ( CFIS 61 Subpart K ) who wants to instruct in Light Sport Aircraft (LSA).

This also applies to a Private Pilot CFI (61, Subpart H) using a driver’s license as medical eligibility to operate as a Sport Pilot CFI (61, Subpart K).

You hold a current CFIS or CFI certificate with a specific category/class rating and you want to instruct in:

NOTE: If an FAA medical has been revoked, denied, withheld, or suspended, this requires a special issuance to clear the medical, before the driver’s license may be used as the medical eligibility. Any limitation on the driver’s license or FAA medical must be followed.

You hold a current CFIS or CFI certificate and you want to instruct in the same LSA category/class...

  • Have a current driver’s license or FAA medical certificate.
  • Are a current pilot (or get a biannual flight review) and are a current CFI/CFIS.
  • Instruct only in the S-LSA category/class that you have instructor privileges in.
  • Instruct and endorse for only what you are rated for. Example: If you are a Private Pilot CFI using your drivers license as medical eligibility, you can instruct and endorse B, C, and D airspace. If you are a Sport Pilot CFI with an airspace endorsement, you can also instruct and endorse airspace per 61.325.
  • If you are a Sport Pilot Instructor CFIS you must comply with all Sport Pilot CFI privileges per 61.413, limitations per 61.415, and record keeping per 61.423.
  • FAA Sport Pilot guidelines.

You hold a current CFIS or CFI certificate and you want to instruct in a different LSA category/class...

Example: You are currently endorsed for Airplane Single-Engine Land and want to instruct in Airplane Sea, Weight-shift control land, Powered Parachute, etc.

and you:

  • Have a current driver’s license or FAA medical certificate.
  • Are a current pilot (or get a biannual flight review) and are a current CFI/CFIS.
  • First – get pilot privileges per 61.321 (be trained by one qualified CFI in the new category/class and take a proficiency check with another qualified CFI in the new category/class). This results in logbook endorsement and 8710-11 form sent into the FAA.
  • Second – get CFI new category/class privileges per 61.409 for additional LSA in category/class (be trained by one qualified CFI in the new category/class and take a proficiency check with another qualified CFI in the new category/class).  This results in logbook endorsement and 8710-11 form sent into the FAA.
  • Instruct only in the S-LSA category/class that you have instructor privileges in.
  • Instruct and endorse for only what you are rated for. Example: If you are a Private Pilot CFI using your driver’s license as medical eligibility, you can instruct and endorse B, C, and D airspace per 61.325. If you are a Sport Pilot CFI with airspace endorsement, you can instruct and endorse towered airspace per 61.325.
  • If you are a Sport Pilot Instructor CFIS you must comply with all Sport Pilot CFI privileges per 61.413, limitations per 61.415, and record keeping per 61.423.
  • FAA CFI guidelines.

If you are a Private Pilot CFI (subpart H) using a drivers' license (not FAA medical) as medical eligibility....

You can:

  • Instruct pilots only in LSA and can recommend but can recommend them for a Sport or Private pilot checkride. Your training time counts towards a sport or private pilot certificate. However….

You can NOT instruct is areas you are not qualified specifically:

  • Provide night flying/training.
  • Provide IFR flying/training in IMC conditions (however IFR training is allowed if VFR and aircraft is properly equipped).

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